As Lisa Ho Designs enters liquidation, it has emerged from its administrator that designer Lisa Ho has bought the intellectual property righ…

As Lisa Ho Designs enters liquidation, it has emerged from its administrator that designer Lisa Ho has bought the intellectual property righ…
Apart from touchy feely TV ads with cute puppies, there’s really not much about toilet paper to get excited about. Or so I thought. But tha…
I’ve been asked by a number of people what my “brand” take on the Labor Party shenanigans is. I’ll start by saying I’m an interested obse…
What’s our vision? What’s our mission? Where do we want to be in three years, five years, 10 years? So much of what we think about, talk abo…
Volkswagen has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately. And the company response, or lack of it, carry some good lessons for SMEs…
I often talk about brand as being evolution not revolution. And reading a book over the weekend about the impact of denial by leaders on ev…
I am a Brand. I am much more than a logo, name or marketing campaign. I am sometimes a verb (when used on cattle), more often a noun. Yo…
When I lived in the US, my favourite bookstore was the Tattered Cover and it was amongst the things that saddened me to leave most; in fact…
When is a rebrand not really a rebrand? Arguably, it’s when the process doesn’t actually alter your business’ name, as is the case …
The role of leaders within an organisation in building the brand can’t be understated. I quite simply have never seen a strong and resilient…
Great brands are built by people. But not just any people. They have to be the right people. Right for who? Right for your organisation. And…
A new campaign by BMW is a timely reminder that you can only be great at one thing. Finding that one thing. Focusing who you are and wha…