What would you like people to think and say about you or your organisation when you are not in the room? Got it… Now think about all the t…

What would you like people to think and say about you or your organisation when you are not in the room? Got it… Now think about all the t…
Malcolm Gladwell famously alerted us all to the 10,000 hours of practice it takes to get really good at something. And I don’t see why bui…
Here is a different business approach that has the power to transform your organisation and, as a result, your brand: be generous, with y…
When Julia Gillard was ousted as prime minister by the Labor Party in favour of a resurrected Kevin Rudd, the race to the ballot box became …
I’m supposed to be writing about a brand I like this week; however, it’s going to have to wait because I need to talk to everyone who re…
I can’t tell you how to build your brand. Only you will know how to do that. Only you know and control the combination of culture, val…
When my first daughter was born, I wrote her little love letters almost weekly for the first year. I wrote about my dreams for her, my pregn…
It’s easy to miss, up a small flight of stairs out the front of the City Library in Flinders Lane. A subtle name on the window is all that…
Five thousand screaming fans at the airport, police escort leading to a public welcome, one by one, amongst a sea of people, sold out signs …
The holy grail for organisations is customer loyalty. Less talked about but more important to building a brand is employee loyalty. Simply p…
I was talking to a reporter about the so-called Coca-Cola “weight washing” announcements last week and it got me thinking about a broader is…
In October 2010 I featured a story about TOMS Shoes – a social business that promises to give a pair of shoes to a child in need for ever…