It’s a common tale. I have a set of things I believe and care about but feel like that isn’t enough to get attention in the marketplace….

It’s a common tale. I have a set of things I believe and care about but feel like that isn’t enough to get attention in the marketplace….
Thanks to everyone for the shares and retweets and feedback on the last couple of blogs – really appreciate it and it is great to see some…
Online giant Google is the most influential brand in Australia, beating out big names such as Coles, Woolworths, Visa and Telstra, according…
The ‘slow’ movements around the world which began with Slow Food, have since expanded into various areas of thinking and doing underpinn…
I’ve written a few times over the recent years about the myth that you have to delight your customers. And a couple of conversations last …
No board can make the right decisions if they aren’t considering the organisation’s brand in their thinking. As regular readers of this …
Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur has been shot down over eastern Ukraine, claiming the lives of 298 pas…
There is a great book called “On Looking” by author Alexandra Horowitz. In the book the author takes walks around her neighbourhood in N…
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc, are now in total monetisation mode – and their evil plan is paying off. The days of “free” social me…
The obvious topic for my blog this week is the hot water Commonwealth Bank has found itself in through dodgy advice doled out by its financi…
When was the last time you stopped and took a good hard no blinkers look at here? The present. The now. If you’re like a lot of the peo…
When people start talking about brand one of the inevitable questions that pops up is “what do you think X org” stands for? This questio…