In last week’s blog, ‘Expectations abhor a vacuum’, I asked the question, “What happens when the expectations I set collide with the…

In last week’s blog, ‘Expectations abhor a vacuum’, I asked the question, “What happens when the expectations I set collide with the…
“Nature abhors a vacuum,” or so said Greek physicist-philosopher Parmenides in circa 485 BC. And I have to say, so do expectations.
We talk a lot about our customers, but most people in the business only see that as being external. How can we get them to see that we are o…
The old chestnut of personal brand is as topical as ever, so I’m reaching into my archives and here from March 2011 is a bit of list of so…
Our agency is telling us we can’t build a brand without figuring out our “core motivating idea”, but we’re still figuring things out…
Sometimes businesses fall down in one or more service areas and lose their way on the path to being a service champion. When it comes to ser…
I’ve lost count of the number of times value propositions, positioning, and unique selling propositions have come up in my conversations w…
There are lots of decisions you will make over the course of building your brand. Brand is, after all, the result of those decisions. This …
Accounting software companies MYOB and Xero are engaged in a war of words ahead of MYOB’s planned initial public offering. Craig Boyce, ma…
No question this week (come on readers I know you have questions send them in…) so instead I’m going to circle back around to purpose wi…
This week’s question takes us from brand revolution to evolution. A week ago, I was part of a panel discussion for some executive MBA stud…
This week’s reader question from my friend Richard Keeves is a doozy. If brand is the result of the promises you keep, isn’t it also the…