I was interviewed last year for an ABC News story about the new questions around the VW braking issues that are being raised in light of …

I was interviewed last year for an ABC News story about the new questions around the VW braking issues that are being raised in light of …
There’s a lot of ink spilled these days about a thing called customer centricity. All over the place organisations are calling on their…
Unexpectedly and delightfully I ran into my friend @AJKulatunga yesterday. We always have great conversations and this one quickly ranged…
I was asked one of my least favorite questions last week. “Can you give me some examples of what other people are doing?” It’s pret…
There are lots things that really annoy me. One that routinely lands high on that list is the way the term brand gets elevated to some ki…
At the end of my blog last week I promised this week would be all about what I called “the third element” of brand – your positioni…
It is easy to get lost in the labyrinth of business motivation – vision, mission, promise, purpose goals, cause, reason to believe, but…
Last week I noted that I’d be talking about building brand alignment over the coming weeks. And the first step to that is getting the foun…
One of the first things I say when talking with groups about brand is that they need to forget what they think they know – that brand i…
Let’s talk about values – again. In my article about VW’s big mess last week I noted that central to the big mess was a fundamental misa…
In their attempts to cash in on peak hipster, fast-food giants are passing off assembly-line products as small scale, bespoke creations that…
Spring has finally sprung. And as we chase away that winter dust what better time to dust off your brand. 2015 is disappearing at a rate …