If ‘working on your brand’ involves shaking up your logo, you’re missing the point Marketing Michel Hogan 3 September 2019 I really thought we had moved beyond brand equals logo. Yet, somehow, it seems to end up back at how things look and feel.
To achieve the brand result ditch ‘no because’ and embrace ‘yes and’ Business Advice Michel Hogan 9 April 2019 Look across the landscape of any organisation and you will see plenty of 'no/or' thinking that should and could be 'yes/and'.
To change the culture you’ve got to change the people Managing Michel Hogan 16 October 2018 If you want to shift a culture, you can either help your employees change the way they think, or fire everyone and hire different people.
It’s the organisation, stupid Strategy Michel Hogan 9 October 2018 "A pet peeve of mine is when people talk about things 'the brand' does. The organisation and the brand are related, but they are different."
How does your culture work? People Michel Hogan 12 June 2018 How does your business approach people and culture? If you currently focus on 'who we are', it might be time to make a shift to 'how we do'.