In today’s times there is not much more important than giving your best customers a little bit extra to keep them coming back for more. But …
In today’s times there is not much more important than giving your best customers a little bit extra to keep them coming back for more. But …
There is a common misconception that my name is my brand, but in reality while your name is the face of your brand, one of the points of con…
The period after the dot com collapse and 9/11 attacks was a highpoint in new businesses starting up with more people choosing to go it alon…
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sa…
At a lunch last Friday, our discussion about the state of capitalism took an interesting right turn and ran headlong into a wall of differin…
A couple of weeks ago Amanda Gome pointed us all to an article in Inc Magazine interviewing “Good to Great” author Jim Collins. This week I …
We can all learn a lot from the recent stupid decision made by Greenpeace here in Australia. For those who missed it, Greenpeace decide…
It used to be much easier to get the word out about your brand and connect with your customers. You just ran an ad, or put out a press relea…
By way of full disclosure – I work with people to help them understand and uncover things that make up their personal brands. But where I …
In follow up to last week’s Identity of Work – Part 1 I wanted to spend this week sharing one of my favourite books of all time. It is calle…
We invest much of ourselves, our time, our energy and our expectations, in our work. It is for many the way we define ourselves. One of t…
I was going to write about the “identity of work” this week, but all that changed this morning when I picked up my paper to see the Coca-Col…