I see it all the time. Brand boredom syndrome. It drives a huge chunk of “so called” brand work that is done by the creative industry an…
I see it all the time. Brand boredom syndrome. It drives a huge chunk of “so called” brand work that is done by the creative industry an…
A number of years ago I worked with a political candidate in the US. She wanted to understand her brand foundations (promise, values, positi…
A simple way to look at brand equity is difference between the price you could charge for your product or service and the price you could ch…
I am working with a number of people right now on different projects but there is one issue that keeps jumping up and causing consternation …
I operate under the rule of thumb that if you have been in business for a time (three plus years is a good starting point), you have a brand…
I thought I was done with the topic of customer service for a while, but a few conversations and personal experiences over the last few week…
If there was ever any doubt that the actions of an organisation are the primary contributor to the brand, the past few weeks have erased the…
People love to attach their processes, frameworks, terms and taxonomies to brand, trying to make brand proprietary and give the appearance o…
I started talking about the term brand alignment back before anyone even thought about brand as much more than a logo. We registered it as a…
From my recent interview with customer service guru Cindy Solomon, here’s a summary of the four things you need to know to deliver on custom…
News that major global environment group Nature Conservancy has a long-standing partnership with BP has raised both some interesting questio…
This week’s blog was scheduled to be an interview with customer service and loyalty guru Cindy Solomon who has a new book out called The Rul…