Smartphone pioneer BlackBerry has managed to grow its marketshare in its home market of Canada to 13.5% during the first quarter of 2013, ac…

Smartphone pioneer BlackBerry has managed to grow its marketshare in its home market of Canada to 13.5% during the first quarter of 2013, ac…
BlackBerry has released the first of its BlackBerry 10 smartphones to feature a full physical keyboard, the BlackBerry Q10. So how does i…
BlackBerry hasn’t been having the best year. Although chief executive Thorsten Heins is trying hard to turn the company around, it can’t…
BlackBerry’s Q10 smartphone, the first based on the company’s BlackBerry 10 platform to feature a traditional BlackBerry keyboard, has sold …
The BlackBerry Q10 smartphone appears to be a hit in the UK in its first three days on the market, with British media reporting one major Br…
Samsung has announced a delay in the release of its Blackberry-style Knox security software, which will mean the package won’t come pre-in…
BlackBerry has asked securities regulators in the US and Canada to investigate claims by investment firm Detwiler Fenton it describes as “fa…
A new survey by MKM Partners analyst Michael Genovese shows that a majority of consumers are unaware smartphones running BlackBerry 10 or Wi…
BlackBerry has reported a quarterly net income of $US114 million for the fiscal fourth quarter off the back of a million sales of its new Z1…
Investment bank Goldman Sachs downgraded smartphone maker BlackBerry from “buy” to “neutral” following a lacklustre launch of its cr…
BlackBerry has released an unconventional promotional music video on its official developer channel on YouTube. While it remains to be see…
Student start-ups accepted into the University of Sydney’s Incubate program have raised more than $1 million in funding, as well as struck…