Canadian tech company Research In Motion has updated its BlackBerry bold device in an attempt to combat the updated version of the iPhone, t…

Canadian tech company Research In Motion has updated its BlackBerry bold device in an attempt to combat the updated version of the iPhone, t…
BlackBerry maker RIM launched its first ever desktop manager for Macintosh users over the weekend, enabling users to sync Macintosh applicat…
Microsoft’s new Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system is set to launch on 6 October, just two weeks before the launch of its Windows 7 operati…
The Australian political battlefield is heating up again in preparation for the next Federal election, with both major parties taking a rene…
Software giant Microsoft has teamed up with handset manufacturer Nokia to push further into the business smartphone sector by introducing th…
Apple is struggling to keep up with demand for the new iPhone 3GS, with customers complaining of wait times of several weeks for the popular…
A new start-up in the Netherlands is offering an online tool that monitors sales and performance of programs sold on all the major app store…
Blackberry and iPhone users can’t live without their smartphones, but legendary comedian Jerry Seinfeld wonders whether these addicts have…
The world’s largest bookseller Barnes & Noble has opened an eBookstore offering over 700,000 eBooks, with half a million free of charge cour…
Apple revolutionised the smartphone market with the introduction of the iPhone, and has now broken another record by reaching 1.5 billion do…
The world’s third largest mobile handset manufacturer, LG Electronics, has today opened a mobile applications store for the company’s produc…
Cast your mind back. Not that far, say 15 or so years. At that time the Yellow Pages and its smaller competitors ruled the small business ad…