Spinifex, a biotech start-up, has received a $6.3 million funding boost to help it bring its nerve pain therapy to market. The investm…
Spinifex, a biotech start-up, has received a $6.3 million funding boost to help it bring its nerve pain therapy to market. The investm…
The Victorian Government’s $772 million investment in biotechnology has failed to produce any clear benefits due to a severe lack of strat…
When Commercialisation Australia was launched in January last year, many entrepreneurs, frustrated by previous government-backed funding sch…
An innovative start-up that has developed a needle-free vaccine delivery product has received $15 million in investment capital to commercia…
Research commercialisation company UniQuest will showcase 50 innovations on behalf of Australian universities at an international biotechnol…
The format war over Blu-Ray and traditional DVDs could already be over, with Victorian researchers discovering a new format that contains 1….
The performance of the biotech sector has improved in the past three months, with increased interest in pharmaceutical groups helping to boo…
There are many small tragedies within a global disaster like this, and one of them is Ventracor – for years one of Australia’s leading biote…