Four questions for the banks: What the ACCC should investigate in its mortgage pricing inquiry
Treasurer Frydenberg has asked the ACCC to do another inquiry into the banks' pricing practices, and there are four questions it ought to be asking.
Major banks cop mortgage pricing inquiry as competitors nip at their heels
The ACCC has been directed to launch a mortgage pricing inquiry that will examine barriers for consumers looking to ditch the big banks.
Inevitable, but destructive: The fallout from the banking royal commission is hurting small business
Kenneth Hayne’s inquiry will help clean up the financial services industry, but there is an economic downside that no-one saw coming.
Government releases timetable for banking royal commission recommendations, following criticism it is ‘dragging its feet’
Treasurer Frydenberg has issued a timetable for the government’s dealing with the recommendations from the royal commission into banking.
ASIC approves July 1 business banking reforms, but delays decision on controversial definition
ASIC has given a partial tick of approval to proposed changes to how small businses banking is regulated, but more controversial changes remain in question.
The banking royal commission is a masterclass in how not to run a startup
Ensuring commissioner Hayne's wisdom is built into a business model from an early stage will set a startup up for future success.
Why ‘Orwellian’ performance monitoring is crucial to building an ethical company culture
The professional behaviour of staff needs to be monitored closely — much more closely than it is in most businesses today.
Mortgage brokers rejoice as coalition backflips on trail commission ban
Mortgage brokers say they are encouraged by a coalition backflip on trail commissions and are urging Labor to follow suit.
“Cop out”: Banking lobby resists changing small-business lending rules
The ABA has refused to commit to changing the definition of small business in the banking industry code, outlining concerns about small-business lending.
If it ain’t broke: Why mortgage broker commissions aren’t the problem
While there are always bad apples in every industry, removing commissions would be a blunt instrument with plenty of downsides.
Bank watchdogs on notice: What does the royal commission mean for small business lending?
Regulators are on notice to support changes to the banking code as SME lending looks to a brighter 2019 following the royal commission.
As consumer scepticism grows, will the banks bounce back, or will competitors triumph?
A major betrayal in trust takes time and effort to repair. Therefore, restoring trust needs to be the highest priority for the finance industry.