The tax and business community have spoken out against a paper set to be handed down by the Business Tax Working Group next week that will r…

The tax and business community have spoken out against a paper set to be handed down by the Business Tax Working Group next week that will r…
Activity in the services sector contracted during July, according to the latest results from the Australian Industry Group-Commonwealth Bank…
Clean energy start-ups are gearing up for the potential opportunities provided by the newly-imposed carbon tax, despite widespread uncertain…
The start of the carbon tax on July 1 will introduce a “new phase of uncertainty” for many Australian businesses, particularly for manuf…
Despite fears about increased costs for business and consumers once the carbon tax comes in this weekend, the price of a $25 birthday cake w…
Applications are now open for round one of the Victorian Government’s Investing in Manufacturing Technology program, providing manufacture…
Industry groups have slammed the decision by Fair Work Australia to increase the national minimum wage by $17.10 a week, warning it will imp…
Industry groups have slammed the decision by Fair Work Australia to increase the national minimum wage by $17.10 a week, warning it will imp…
Business and industry groups are urging Fair Work Australia to reject a claim for the minimum wage to be lifted by $26 a week, calling for a…
Business and industry groups have welcomed the Federal Budget’s return to surplus but have questioned Treasurer Wayne Swan’s long-term v…
Industry groups have issued their wish lists for the Federal Budget, with an emphasis on reducing red tape and taxes, but the Government is …
The NSW Government is considering cutting benefits under the workers compensation scheme by putting a cap on medical expenses payouts, remov…