Dear Aunty B, My boss insists on contacting me all weekend, every weekend, about work-related matters that could easily be discussed during …

Dear Aunty B, My boss insists on contacting me all weekend, every weekend, about work-related matters that could easily be discussed during …
Dear Aunty B, Love your stuff and hoping you can help. Since August my sales team has found it tough going. As one of them says: “It’s like…
Dear Aunty B,
We recently developed a new product that we thought would be a blockbuster. However, we have realised the market needs a b…
Dear Aunty B,
I have a medium business, about $60 million revenue. I am also lucky enough to be supported by great shareholders who have…
Hi Aunty B,
For the first few months, she was doing really well – there were the odd few mistakes, but I made sure that I w…
Dear Aunty B,
Dear DL,
SmartCompany had a seminar last night in Melbourne on planning, stra…
Dear Aunty B,
My client base is mainly made up of large clients. Given that we are a small business (18 full time staff) this has worke…
Dear Aunty B,
We need/want to do a basic market survey. We have two main challenges:
How to do this without paying a small…
Dear Aunty B,
I am at my wit’s end, and since one of my wishes for this new year is to have a solution for this now “going …
Dear Aunty B,
Please help me. I have over 10 years (experience) installing security alarms. I am ready to get a good tender, but I just…
Dear Aunty B,
It strikes me that we might share a similar taste in books. Save me the trouble and tell me what to read this summer.
I …
Dear Aunty B,
My accountant told me at the Christmas party that I am “psychotic” and she wasn’t drunk (at that stage.)
She tol…