Dear Aunty B, My staff are sometimes sent gifts that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing a business decision. My staff are…

Dear Aunty B, My staff are sometimes sent gifts that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing a business decision. My staff are…
Dear Aunty B, I have been working on a new product that will revolutionise the industry and SmartCompany will write about it, believe me. Bu…
Dear Aunty B, I am having trouble getting my bank to provide more funding to tide us over for a difficult quarter before I expect things to …
Dear Aunty B, I recently joined the small family business after a few years in the corporate world. I am now in my late 20s and it was under…
Dear Aunty B, My business partner and I have hired a general manager four months ago. One of his roles is to set up processes and systems. M…
Dear Aunty B, I have a brilliant boss who can be a pain in the neck. He is visionary, charismatic and totally convincing. But he also nicks…
Hi Aunty B, A few years ago, I found myself doing all my quotes before working hours and spent at least half my weekends doing quotes – the …
Dear Aunty B, I am starting a new business and want to know if I should take in a partner who may be interested in purchasing half the busin…
Dear Aunt,
I have always worked in large companies and recently moved to a small business. But my boss is a mean, old bastard. I asked hi…
Hi Aunty B,
We are a SME that has been around doing the same things on an ad hoc basis for 16 years. We continue to bumble along struggli…
Dear Aunt,
I am trying to set my revenue targets for the year. I am finding it more difficult than ever before because of the economic un…
Dear Aunty B,
I run a successful business and have just launched a new product. I want to discount the new product heavily – in some case…