Dear Aunty B, I am fed up. My financials for the year have just come in and I was expecting to make a small profit. Instead, my CFO has told…

Dear Aunty B, I am fed up. My financials for the year have just come in and I was expecting to make a small profit. Instead, my CFO has told…
Dear Aunty B, I run a marketing services business that owns a call centre subsidiary. I recently received a call from someone in the union a…
Dear Aunty B, One of our staff is having an affair with someone in our office. I want to point this out to him but I don’t know for sure and…
Dear Aunty, I have taken your advice a number of times so I hope you can help. I have expanded my sales team to take advantage of the …
Dear Aunty B, I am sick to death of going to work functions and ending up talking to wives. Yes, I am a woman, but I want to talk about busi…
Dear Aunty B, We have commercialised software developed by some Melbourne academics. Although its applications are specific to an Australian…
Dear Aunty B, We run a company in an area of the finance industry that got a bad name in the recession. We have gone out of our way to…
Dear Aunty B,One of my sales staff bats for the other side. He is very open about the fact. This has encouraged the blokes in the office to …
Dear Aunty B,I am a 55 year old man who is facing (for the first time in my life) discrimination! I work in financial services, love social…
Dear Aunty, I used to have a low-doc loan with a finance company that has pulled out of Australia. I had decided to scale back anyway, but n…
Dear Aunty B, We are a young company but already have 50 staff. We have been “politics free” since we began. In fact, when new people start …
Hi Aunty B, My fiancé and his father started their business five years ago, and during that time I encouraged them, worked for nothing, reg…