Dear Aunty B, How do I migrate from a closed (proprietary) source system to an open source Joomla system? The web development company I eng…

Dear Aunty B, How do I migrate from a closed (proprietary) source system to an open source Joomla system? The web development company I eng…
Hey Aunty B, Not that I am boasting, but we have smashed all our targets for the year already! But I don’t want the team to sit down …
To Aunty B, I am an independent training consultancy working with large training organisations to promote their training products. My …
Dear Aunty B, We start to develop these ideas and then abandon them as we find they start costing us money. How can we tell at the sta…
Dear Aunty B, I visit many businesses in my line of work and on the occasion I need to use their toilets (the women’s’ toilets) I am consta…
Hi Aunty B, I have a very small dilemma on my hands. I want to start up a children’s music class in my area, which is a fairly small region…
Dear Aunty B, My life is being made a misery by an unscrupulous web consultant who is ripping me off. He refuses to be employed as an emplo…
Dear Aunty B, Three years ago I left a large organisation to start my own firm with a partner, working on the venture capital space. We clos…
Dear Aunty B, My boss is driving me mad. He has the most infuriating habit of speaking over me. I never get to finish a sentence before he …
Dear Aunty B, I have a young man who I would like to promote but he is a very scruffy dresser. His shoes are so old I am amazed they don’t…
Dear Aunty B One of my senior managers has gone off on maternity leave and has stated that she will take a full year’s leave, so we have to …
Dear Aunty B, I have started my new business and so far so good – touch wood! But I have a question. I am doing some longer term planning…