Dear Aunty B, I am the general manager of an SME that has been severely affected by the GFC, losing several major clients through receivers…

Dear Aunty B, I am the general manager of an SME that has been severely affected by the GFC, losing several major clients through receivers…
Dear Aunty B, I am a mum of three under five and a business owner. I caught up with a friend on the weekend who runs a similar type of busi…
Hi Aunty B, Important things first – love your column! Hopefully you can help me with some straight talking and smart thinking about how to…
Hi Aunty B, I am in an equal partnership with someone who isn’t interested in helping me grow the business. She only wants to work beh…
Dear Aunty B, I am a young entrepreneur with a problem. I have ADD, and I find it very hard to focus on any job for any length of time. Whil…
Dear Aunty B, I have a new HR manager who has come from a large company and seems to? justify his job by complicating ways of doing th…
Dear Aunty B, I have a plan, a bit of money from my grandmother and an office (the spare room). I am ready to jump but don’t know if the ti…
Dear Aunty B, My accountant has suggested a number of aggressive tax maneuvers and I have absolutely no idea if they are above board or not…
Hi Aunty B, I need some advice from the worldly mind of Aunty B. I have been trying to sort out a bad business decision I made with a compa…
Dear Aunty B, My board has set some very lofty growth targets for our company with the proposed strategy to reach these goals being th…
Dear Aunty B, I am the founder of a successful business and I realised after Christmas when it was time to return to work that it was time …
Dear Aunty, I am the founder of a successful business and I realised after Christmas when it was time to return to work that it was time to…