Dear Aunty B, I run a large division of a big company and my problem is that I have to work closely with another head of division who is a…

Dear Aunty B, I run a large division of a big company and my problem is that I have to work closely with another head of division who is a…
Dear Aunty B, I work in marketing and manage a team of around 20 employees. I’ve always thought of myself as someone who isn’t afrai…
Dear Aunty B, I run the website for my small business but there is still a lot I need to learn about the site’s analytics. I know how to g…
Dear Aunty B, I work for a medical devices company and am being overlooked for the leadership team even though I do a fantastic job and am w…
Dear Aunty B, I work for a digital marketing agency as one of the sales managers and last week we were told at a team meeting there will be…
Dear Aunty B, I’m running a successful online small business from home, but I’m facing some pretty big challenges when it comes to worki…
Dear Aunty B, It seems like all I read about in the news these days is another business making yet another mistake on social media. So I wan…
Dear Aunty B, I’m under a lot of pressure in my business at the moment and feel really stressed. All I can think about is where I’m go…
Hi Aunty B, My small business involves me spending quite a bit of time marketing via email, but I’m often a bit stuck for words when it co…
Dear Aunty B, I’ve recently started an event planning business and my business partner and I are keen to get the word out about what we ar…
Dear Aunty B My business has 20 employees and is based in Newcastle. We’ve grown in terms of employee size quite quickly and now I seem …
Dear Aunty B, I’m a small business owner in my mid 50s trying to navigate my way through social media, I know it’s really important but …