Dear Aunty B, My accountant, bless his blue cotton socks, has asked very nicely to see my business plan. I showed him my budget, which in…

Dear Aunty B, My accountant, bless his blue cotton socks, has asked very nicely to see my business plan. I showed him my budget, which in…
Dear Aunty B, I work in the political field and am constantly asked if I Twitter. I don’t and I won’t. I am a very private person. I am …
Dear Aunty B, I am distraught. Our financial year 2012 figures are worse than I was led to believe and I am now going to have to let go four…
Dear Aunty B, I was expecting a bonus and a promotion for having done an “outstanding” job (boss’s words) in H2. Instead, I didn’t get th…
Dear Aunty B, I have just been offered a fantastic job that I have been wanting for years (my boss has just resigned), but I have just learn…
Dear Aunty B, So here is the scene. I am utterly mentally and physically exhausted but can see the end of the financial year in sight. It…
Dear Aunty B, I have an employee who never shuts up. She finishes everyone’s sentences, jumps in before anyone has finished getting a few…
Dear Aunty B, I just caught myself doing something which has shocked me because I am a feminist from way back. When my male employees ha…
Hi Aunty B, I have expressed an interest in working for an organisation which is a money making enterprise (I don’t want to name it, but i…
Dear Aunty B, I work in a retail environment, so gossip spreads like wildfire. There is this girl who is queen of it all. She talks about…
Dear Aunty B, I have just joined a large organisation in a senior position and I am interviewing for new members of staff. You might fi…
Dear Aunty B, I left a high paying job to start a business with two partners. We are barely eking out a living and work much longer hours, w…