Sony has announced a new tablet, called the Tablet Z, following the recent announcement of its flagship XPeria Z smartphone. Earlier this …
Sony has announced a new tablet, called the Tablet Z, following the recent announcement of its flagship XPeria Z smartphone. Earlier this …
While Australian consumers will not see an official launch of Sony’s Xperia Z smartphone until March, there are already a number of access…
Linux software developer Canonical has announced the release of a smartphone platform based on its Ubuntu operating system. According to O…
Sony has unveiled its new flagship Android-based smartphone at the 2013 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, with the consu…
A divide has opened up between smartphone sales in the US and Australian markets during the 12 weeks ending November 25th, with Android domi…
The number of tablets in the US has doubled to 19%, according to a new Forrester Research survey, with 42% of consumers now connecting their…
Devices manufactured by Korean electronics giant Samsung dominate the ad impressions viewed by Android users, according to new market resear…
Microsoft Windows is now used as the operating system on just 26% of internet connected computers, including desktop PCs, smartphones and ta…
Samsung is gearing up to unveil the next smartphone in its flagship Galaxy S series early next year, according to Korean press reports. Th…
New figures show the Android operating system has inched ahead of Apple when it comes to Australian market share, with the sheer number of d…
Google has added a new feature to its Google Play store that allows businesses to distribute apps to employees through the service. Accord…
I saw a news story recently that said that large numbers of Aussies will be using iPads for purchases/product research this Christmas. …