Australia’s big copyright fight is on again. In a Federal Court appeal that starts this morning, the Australian Federation Against Copyright…

Australia’s big copyright fight is on again. In a Federal Court appeal that starts this morning, the Australian Federation Against Copyright…
Australia’s actors’ union will seek to get involved in the copyright fight between internet service provide iiNet and a group of movie and t…
The Federal Court has announced that the Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft’s appeal in its copyright case against iiNet will beg…
The Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft says claims that it is monitoring the torrent activity of illegal downloaders are incorrec…
A group of entertainment companies have lodged an appeal against a Federal Court judgement earlier this month which decided ISP iiNet was no…
Federal communications minister Stephen Conroy says the Government will look at the ruling of the iiNet/AFACT case and determine how it migh…
The battle between the Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft and Perth-based ISP iiNet will finally come to an end on Thursday, when…
Internet service provider iiNet has set aside $4 million to deal with the current copyright case between itself and the film industry, with …
iiNet has argued investigators for the entertainment industry could have committed copyright crimes in their attempts to accuse the ISP of a…
The Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft has accused iiNet of understanding the full scale of copyright infringements undertaken on…
iiNet managing director Michael Malone has said in the Federal Court that iiNet does not have the technical capability to block users from t…
iiNet managing director Michael Malone has defended the company’s “Freezone” downloading service in the Federal Court, saying it is not resp…