Protein World has been criticised for its “beach body ready” ads (Photo: Zusterschap) A UK company that sells protein supplements to help it…

Protein World has been criticised for its “beach body ready” ads (Photo: Zusterschap) A UK company that sells protein supplements to help it…
The Advertising Standards Board says nyuk-nyuk-nyuk to slapstick humour The advertising watchdog has upheld a complaint against an online ad…
The Victorian Farmers Federation has made a formal complaint to the Advertising Standards Bureau about an advertisement by animal rights gro…
Google and Yahoo are both introducing encrypted HTTPS connections for their ad networks in a move the companies claim will reduce bot traffi…
Dairy giant Fonterra has pulled one of its television ads after a complaint was upheld by the Advertising Standards Board because of changin…
The advertising concept knocked back by the ABAC panel The adjudication panel of the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code has banned a family-…
The offending slogan photographed by Amelia Lush in the Hoyts toilets The Hoyts corporation has withdrawn an advertising slogan that appeare…
Australians multi-task whilst watching TV: Various studies show our eyes are no longer glued just on TV but on two or more other devices sim…
Wicked Campers is under renewed pressure to change its advertising, after a protest against the van hire company was staged in Brisbane on S…
Coles was ordered to cough up a $2.5 million penalty in the Federal Court on Friday afternoon, ending a two-year battle with the consumer wa…
A Tasmanian real estate agency has fronted up to the Hobart Magistrates Court over allegations it falsely advertised properties as being on …
Businesses such as Target and Virgin are being named and shamed online on a blog designed to call-out companies using the ANZAC centenary to…