If like me, you operate a smaller business, you are likely to have encountered a competitor’s advertising campaign which has made you more…

If like me, you operate a smaller business, you are likely to have encountered a competitor’s advertising campaign which has made you more…
Target Australia is being forced to defend ads for its collaboration with fashion designer Dion Lee, with more than 14,000 people signing…
The company that makes Uncle Tobys Oats will modify a television ad after its claims the product was “naturally rich in protein” and …
I used to be sceptical about the value of Facebook campaigns but results for our clients in the past 18 months have made me rethink their va…
The Advertising Standards Bureau yesterday revealed the top 10 most-complained about advertisements so far in 2015. The annual list shows…
Rivals Carsales.com and Carsguide.com.au will go head-to-head in the Victorian Supreme Court next month, after Carsales.com initiated leg…
Food and beverage giant Nestle has been forced to defend a recent television advertisement for its Sweetened Condensed Milk after numerou…
Search advertising (e.g. banners ads, PPCs) is a proven marketing method that effectively drives traffic and sales to advertisers. For lots …
The advertising watchdog has given a Melbourne-based hearing aid retailer a slap on the wrist following a public backlash over an advertisem…
Infidelity dating website Ashley Madison has again stirred the ire of viewers with its advertising material, prompting the company to modify…
Mars Petcare Australia, parent company of Pedigree Petfoods, has been forced to edit a television commercial featuring a few seconds of youn…
Payday lender Wallet Wizard has come under fire for appearing to promote animal cruelty in one of its television commercials, but the advert…