Maximise your iPhone battery life

Tech Trend on iPhone battery lifeOne of the most common complaints about smartphones is that their battery life is drastically reduced when using the phone’s most attractive features – the internet, video, etc.


It’s something you’ll have to get used to, which is why you should take a few tips on how to preserve battery life:

  • Reduce the screen brightness. You can get by if you reduce the brightness and you won’t be hurting your eyes.
  • Keep the iPhone out of the sun, especially in cars. Heating the gadget up unnecessarily will drain it severely.
  • Turn on the auto-lock to the shortest amount of time.
  • Use airplane mode when you aren’t using the internet.
  • Use Wi-Fi as much as possible instead of connecting to 3G networks.
  • Reduce Push notifications if you aren’t using them.
  • Disable location services

Download your email manually, rather than having the iPhone automatically grab new downloads every 15 minutes. This can be changed in the Settings folder.