Have you ever felt the frustration of finally making the time to sit down and write that blog or article you’ve been meaning to only to find…

Have you ever felt the frustration of finally making the time to sit down and write that blog or article you’ve been meaning to only to find…
Google does it – and was sued. Facebook does it – and was sued, more than once. Most websites do it – every day, without even knowing …
If you’re a web marketer, the easiest way to attract subscribers, leads and customers is to set up landing pages on your website. It’…
Billionaire Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg has made his first known investment in a start-up. He was the equal largest investor in a $U…
Earlier this year, Old Taskmaster ordered you to get blogging! Long-time readers will remember your humble correspondent set you the task…
Do you still believe that mainstream advertising will give you the highest return on investment? When was the last time that worked for y…
In early September, Google announced the name for the next version of its smartphone and tablet operating system: Android 4.4 KitKat. In …
Freelancer.com has ambitious expansion plans. Its CEO says the company, an online marketplace and auction house for freelance jobs, will b…
So here’s the situation: You’re running a tech start-up. You’re looking to hire a coder – and a good one. The problem is that the…
So the last article I wrote got a little bit of exposure and was by far the most successful article I’ve written in terms of reader interact…
Yesterday, your humble correspondent looked at four key trends in the smartphone industry that every mobile app developer should be aware of…
Are you looking at developing a mobile app? Or do you run a tech start-up? Perhaps you’re weighing up whether to target Apple’s iPhon…