The centrepiece of Wayne Swan’s fourth budget was clearly the $3 billion skills package that is aimed to improve training levels, support …

The centrepiece of Wayne Swan’s fourth budget was clearly the $3 billion skills package that is aimed to improve training levels, support …
Google has unveiled a raft of new services and updates for its Android mobile platform, including opportunities for app developers, as it se…
Print and design franchise Kwik Kopy increased its franchise system sales by 3.5% in the first half of the financial year, attributing the r…
Social gaming start-up Funzio has secured $20 million in funding, with the company planning to use the funds to triple its team and scale it…
Microsoft has purchased internet phone service company Skype for $US8.5 billion, representing the largest deal in the company’s history as…
With very little extra money for innovation and the lack of any firm commitment to emerging companies, it’s tempting to feel that last nig…
Retail bodies say small businesses should feel “ripped off” by the lack of relief in the 2011 Federal budget, but industry groups have w…
The Government has acted on howls of protests from the accounting and financial planning professions by relaxing penalties on excess superan…
Start-ups in the renewable energy sector have been pledged greater support with the establishment of a venture capital fund for the industry…
The Government will attempt to revive Australia’s flagging manufacturing industry with a new $34.4 million package. The “Buy Austr…
The Government has pledged funding across a broad range of areas in its 2011 budget, while maintaining that Australia will be back in surplu…
A National Workforce Development Fund, bringing 130,000 new training places, will be created as part of a fresh drive to increase skills and…