Tank Stream Labs targets AI and data security startups with new, private office spaces

Tank Stream Labs

Imagery of Australia Square, the site of Tank Stream Labs' new office offering. Source: Tank Stream Labs

Coworking venture Tank Stream Labs has unveiled its new Sydney offering, promising upscale office spaces in the Australia Square tower complex.

Combined with its new partnership with startup recruitment agency The Nudge Group, Tank Stream Labs claims the venture will challenge major space-sharing players like WeWork.

Tank Stream Suites, the latest space curated by the Smart50 2023 finalist, is a tranche of 23 offices in the Australia Square complex.

It includes office spaces for two workers through to teams of 25, giving Tank Stream Labs’ existing userbase of fast-growing startups a fresh option in the city centre.

Tank Stream Labs says the new suites are especially suited to businesses and startups handling sensitive data — and seeking a touch more seclusion than traditional co-working options.

The offering is something of a throwback to working spaces before the open-plan office, Tank Stream Labs CEO Bradley Delamere told SmartCompany.

“More and more we’re dealing with companies, especially in the AI space, data security, a lot of fintechs as well, that have privacy concerns and privacy requirements,” he said.

“We are seeing a noticeable increase in demand for companies to have flexible space.

“They don’t want to go and have their own offices and lock into long-term lease contracts, but they need private offices, because of those requirements” from a data security standpoint, Delamere said.

Tank Stream Labs founder Bradley Delamare photographed in front of Sydney Harbour Bridge

Bradley Deleamare. Source: supplied.

Those businesses can also implement their own IT and cyber security systems on top of what is already offered across the Tank Stream Labs network.

Tank Stream Labs offers five other coworking options in the city, including office spaces in Barangaroo, the NSW government-backed Tech Central precinct, and AI-specific options at Sydney Startup Hub.

Delamere said the Australia Square offering will come at a “slightly more premium” cost compared to most of its offerings but is still priced to meet the needs of startups with a keen focus on their cashflow.

“We’re not targeting enterprises, or professional services, or lawyers,” he said.

“We’re still working with tech companies. Funding is very different at the moment, it has been for the last 12 months, so these companies are in very challenging times.”

The announcement of fresh office space comes shortly after the venture announced a new partnership with startup recruitment organisation The Nudge Group.

Much of the work has been focused on building out The Nudge Group’s unique startup-focused media offerings, like the Give it a Nudge podcast, and the Startup Life: Unscripted newsletter.

Moving ahead, the partnership will focus on recruitment strategy for participating startups.

“You might you might raise a seed round, or Series A, but then: what do you do with that money?” Delamere said.

“Who do you hire? How do you hire like? You can’t go out there and hire 10 people at once.”

“Then it’s like, strategically, how do you go ahead and hire people and what’s the right role to hire at the right time? So we’ve been doing quite a bit of that strategy, too.”