Even the most ardent startup advocates have to admit there is lot of scope for humour in the heady realm of tech, big goals and new business…
Even the most ardent startup advocates have to admit there is lot of scope for humour in the heady realm of tech, big goals and new business…
Grrrr … Yet another well-meaning government initiative is going to have negative side effects for the Aussie startup and venture capital c…
Everyday your customers are bombarded with hundreds of marketing messages and advertisements. They are there when they turn on the televisio…
Today, there are two types of small businesses: New startups that are raring to take over the world with fast growth; and established small …
The entrepreneurial spirit needs to be fostered in Australia not just among individuals but also within organisations, according to panellis…
Last time, Old Taskmaster discussed why it might be better to build a loyal audience than to go for a big viral hit when it comes to content…
The fat lady sung for Twitter’s music app when it was announced last week it was being pulled from the iTunes app store. But the announ…
In the comments section of a recent column, your humble correspondent was called a “hipster”. This was tremendously amusing, as yours…
Facebook is a great, inexpensive way to test interest for your startup idea and to informally promote your business. But just because you ar…
In celebration of its 8th birthday Twitter has launched FirstTweet, a tool that helps users find the very first message they sent. We tak…
Malcolm Turnbull was hailed a hero of the startup community this week after wading into the discussions around the shortage of available ven…
There has beens some heated debate about Australia’s ability to create an ecosystem that will foster the next generation of startups in …