Microsoft is set to replace the Nokia and Windows Phone brand names, with the tech giant reportedly opting to use the name Windows instead, …

Microsoft is set to replace the Nokia and Windows Phone brand names, with the tech giant reportedly opting to use the name Windows instead, …
People interested in tracking their health, physical activity levels and body functions can now choose from a plethora of sensor-embedd…
The Apple Watch will push wearable technology into the mainstream, according to a number of Australian mobile app developers. The highly …
Apple’s announcement contained few surprises, with Tim Cook showing Apple wants to stay the steady path, rather than take a gamble and ris…
As expected, Apple has unveiled two new iPhones – the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus – and its new wearable device, the Apple Watch, which i…
Just as with all the earlier versions of the iPhone, rumours abound about what Apple will announce this week in relation to iPhone 6 – ne…
Twitter has announced its first commerce product, a buy button which allows its users to make purchases directly within tweets. The compa…
Apple is widely expected to announce 2 new phones and a smart watch at an event to be held on the 9th September at its headquarters …
Apple’s wearable device, set to be released alongside the latest iPhone this week, will run third-party applications, and may come equippe…
Melbourne-based startup Planet Innovation has raised nearly $50,000 on crowdfunding site Indiegogo in just days for a device called Zen, whi…
Steve Orenstein, an Australian entrepreneur who sold his business to multinational NYSE-listed fleet management firm Fleetmatics in August o…
In the aftermath of the ice bucket challenge clogging up news feeds everywhere, it’s interesting to consider just what it takes to send co…