Startup Weekend Adelaide co-founder Orren Prunckun has been honoured for his contribution to the startup community. Prunckun recently rec…
Startup Weekend Adelaide co-founder Orren Prunckun has been honoured for his contribution to the startup community. Prunckun recently rec…
With nothing but a smartphone, I can order up an Uber car to whisk me to my next meeting or find a bargain bed for the night through Ai…
Last week’s events in Canberra shows business can’t wait for the government to lead industry change. If you want to keep up with technolog…
A new digital “start-up” inside the Canberra bureaucracy will explore more innovative uses of data along with bringing quality co…
A Palmer United candidate running in the Queensland election has called on the state government to do more to embrace innovation and startup…
National ICT Australia is working with government agencies across jurisdictions to drive efficiency through innovation … whether the Com…
Rapidly growing international tech businesses like Airbnb and Uber should be subjected to stricter regulation to ensure they don’t avoid …
Residents of multi-dwelling units (MDU) are complaining that they have waited over a year to get national broadband network services activat…
Think your day has been busy? Spare a thought for Crowd Mobile, which announced the takeover of a Hong Kong-based company on the same day as…
Among New Year’s resolutions this year unplugging digitally seemed to be almost as popular as losing weight and quitting smoking. It is al…
Australia is lagging on open data, according to a new global study — but so is nearly everyone else. Government budgets and company infor…
More than 80% of Queensland startups think the Newman government is not doing enough to support the state’s startup ecosystem. However, on…