Mobile annotation software startup and Startmate graduate Drawboard will see a huge jump in users after Microsoft announced its softwar…

Mobile annotation software startup and Startmate graduate Drawboard will see a huge jump in users after Microsoft announced its softwar…
Have you ever texted somebody saying how “ducking annoyed” you are at something? Or asked Siri on your iPhone to call your wife, but so…
The great irony of the Abbott government’s plan enforce the mandatory data retention legislation is that while this is being done to make …
There has been quite a lot discussion lately on how to avoid metadata retention, particularly in the context of leaking sensitive informatio…
The digital economy contributed $79 billion to the Australian economy in 2013/14, representing 5.1% of Australia’s gross domestic product,…
Australian developers are cautiously optimistic that Facebook’s decision to turn Facebook Messenger into an app platform will help strengt…
Most people in and around the startup world would be aware that the federal government released exposure draft legislation earlier this year…
Melbourne will host a fintech meet-up this weekend aimed at giving early-stage entrepreneurs an understanding of the skills they will need t…
Mpire Media, the online marketing business founded by Western Australia-based technology entrepreneur Zhenya Tsvetnenko, will spring on to…
US President Barack Obama is seeking US$14 billion to tackle it. The UK wants to build a start-up industry around it. And Australia is in th…
Australia’s startup community has welcomed improvements to the employee share scheme legislation, but raised concerns about exemptions for…
Early stage tech startups are the focus of changes to the employee share scheme legislation introduced into Parliament on Wednesday. Smal…