Car-monitoring startup GoFar is hoping to raise $US50,000 in funding with the launch of its Kickstarter campaign. The Sydney-based startu…

Car-monitoring startup GoFar is hoping to raise $US50,000 in funding with the launch of its Kickstarter campaign. The Sydney-based startu…
Australia is a nation that cares about promoting transparency, empowering citizens, fighting corruption and using new technologies to streng…
Interactive devices allow parents to occupy their children for a time so they can complete a range of daily activities, including catching u…
It would be easy to think that the notion of a “digital divide” is now outdated. Whose life isn’t digital in some respect these days? …
An innovative augmented reality app called Arboretum, which overlays location-aware soundscapes over the National Arboretum, has been named …
A senior Flight Centre executive has dismissed Uber and Airbnb, claiming that despite people talking about share economy platforms “as if …
With the Apple Watch having now officially launched in Australia, developers and businesses releasing apps for the platform are describing a…
Earth is now a human planet. Our species uses of a large proportion of its land-surface area for living space, agriculture and mining. …
Melbourne-based web series That Startup Show has released all six episodes of its first season on BitTorrent, surpassing 130,000 downloads w…
The battle of largely US-based media companies against Australian consumers has turned temporarily from concern about illegal downloads, to …
The National Centre for Women in Information Technology (IT) reported in 2012 on the lack of interest girls show in IT and how they are les…
“Full stack creators” are the future of entertainment as the number of mobile devices is expected to reach six billion by 2019, accordin…