It’s been 50 years since Gordon Moore, one of the founders of the microprocessor company Intel, gave us Moore’s Law. This says that the …

It’s been 50 years since Gordon Moore, one of the founders of the microprocessor company Intel, gave us Moore’s Law. This says that the …
The Court of Appeals in the US has ratified Apple’s guilt in the e-book case. It was a two-to-one decision by the three judges on the Cour…
When faced with a $20,000 bill to create a 3D scan of a product, Rahul Koduri, Richard Boers and Asfand Khan set out to build a cheaper and …
On October 2 2013, after months of extensive joint federal investigations, the FBI arrested Ross William Ulbricht (aka “Dread Pirate Rober…
Ever wanted to ride to work in a screaming roller-coaster gun? If your answer was yes: good news! Elon Musk – of SpaceX and Tesla Motor…
Any bank that calls itself a digital bank is bullshitting, according to ANZ chief technology officer Patrick Maes. Speaking at the Fintec…
Australian-based online marketplace startup Envato has been the target of a sustained distributed denial of service (DDos) attack this month…
The Australian digital economy will represent a 3.7% share of Australian GDP in 2016, according to Statista. While the number is encouraging…
It is a year since I last wrote about Adobe Flash and why everyone should stop using it. Since then, the leaks from the hack of the mass sur…
Netflix shares have risen 10% after the company announced second-quarter results, with revenue of $1.64 billion and 3.3 million new subscrib…
Data from news aggregation startup Inkl’s first eight months shows that people will pay for online news, according to co-founder Gautam Mi…
Toys and apps for kids are a multi-million-dollar industry, and being able to label something as “educational” is a major selling point….