Galaxy Note 5 design flaw is a case of write and wrong

Users have discovered an apparent design flaw in the new Galaxy Note 5 that could lead to permanent damage to the phone from a rather simple mistake.


Android Police posted an article showing that inserting the smartphone’s stylus the wrong way into its slot can lead to it becoming stuck, and damaging the device upon removing it.


This is particularly problematic as the site says that unlike past incarnations of the Galaxy, you can no longer tell immediately if the S Pen is being inserted the wrong way, so it’s more likely that users will do it.


In response to the possible design flaw, Samsung has some choice advice for users: follow the instructions.


“We highly recommend our Galaxy Note 5 users follow the instructions in the user guide to ensure they do not experience such an unexpected scenario caused by reinserting the S pen in the other way around,” the statement said.


More detective work from the Android Police reveals Samsung may well have been aware of these issues already, with a new warning having been added to the Galaxy Note 5 manual.


“Inserting the S pen the wrong way can cause it to become stuck and can damage the pen and your phone,” the instructions read.


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