The Brisbane CBD lies deserted as floodwaters continue to rise, with an estimated 3,500 businesses closing their doors and 70,000 businesses…

The Brisbane CBD lies deserted as floodwaters continue to rise, with an estimated 3,500 businesses closing their doors and 70,000 businesses…
Small business operators are unintentionally underpaying staff due to confusion over Federal and State industrial relations laws, according …
The unemployment rate fell 0.2% to 5% in December, according to the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The data …
Nobody likes receiving email or SMS spam, least of all a busy entrepreneur like me. And yet more than seven years after the introducti…
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is calling on wannabe franchisees to enroll in its franchise education program at Griffit…
The devastation of the Queensland floods has quashed earlier predictions of a minimal economic impact, with economists now fearing the flood…
Queensland business affected by floods in the state will face an average revenue loss of $20,000, while others will face losses well over $1…
Small businesses are underestimating the scope of new unfair dismissal laws, according to an industry expert. Workforce Guardian, an o…
A clear gap is emerging between retailers and the rest of the economy as consumers continue their reluctance to spend, according to the late…
The Urban Taskforce has criticised a new NSW Government bill, which is aimed at protecting small retailers’ interests when dealing wi…
Tough new restrictions on superannuation concessional contributions caps are hurting small business owners, according to super experts. �…
SMEs need to have a strategy “well in advance” if they are to secure government spending on information and communication technology, ac…