Learn the small business dismissal checklist

The Taskmaster - Dismissal planIf you’ve recently hired a staff member (or even if you are yet to hire a staff member, but will do so down the track) it’s a good idea to have a little think of how you can dismiss them.



‘What are you talking about Taskmaster?’ I hear you think (yes, my powers are quite amazing).


But while I know you are probably confident your recent hire will be a star, there is a chance that they, you or the business will change to such an extent that you will need to move them on.


This is a complex process that needs to be handled delicately and with great sensitivity. And under the Fair Work Act, it also needs to be handled legally, according to what the Government calls the Small Business Fair Dismissal Code.


You will find a checklist of 12 questions to follow to ensure your dismissal is not unfair. The key message – and the reason you should have a working understanding of dismissal even when things are going great with your employees – is that the dismissal process takes time.


You need to carefully performance manage your staff member, give them opportunity to improve their performance, and document all these performance management initiatives.


A working knowledge of IR is crucial for any entrepreneur – this is an important place to start.


Get it done – today!