Employees horsing around when they should be off and racing

Well, it’s that time of year again. The Melbourne Cup is here.


And, nearly as inevitable as another race win by Bart Cummings or a Tom Waterhouse infomercial are the sickies that stop a nation.


They begin on the Monday in Melbourne and spread nationwide on Tuesday, before everyone makes a miraculous recovery from their “illness” on Wednesday.


So how do you handle days – like Cup Day – where people are prone to spontaneous bouts of miraculously cured illness?


Your humble correspondent says the answer is with a carrot-and-stick approach.


A day such as Cup Day is a good opportunity to get everyone to bring in a plate of food for a shared lunch, or for you as an employer to show your appreciation for your staff by ordering in pizza for everyone.


After all, if you’re launching a crackdown, it’s as important to reward or at least acknowledge the employees who do the right thing as those who don’t.


On the other hand, if mysterious illnesses during major sporting events become too common in your workplace, it’s also time to consider asking for medical certificates when people take time off.


Make sure you remind your staff that you will want medical certificates for anyone who happens for ill on the suspiciously convenient holiday.


Finally, if an employee regularly fails to show up to work, make sure you follow these six steps by Lachlan McKnight to make sure you don’t end up on the receiving end of an unfair dismissal suit if you need to let them go.


That said, make sure you treat carefully – there could be legitimate, personal reasons why an employee might regularly be on leave.


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