Tech giant Google appears increasingly willing to tweak its software to run on arch rival Apple’s hardware, after acquiring a start-up tha…

Tech giant Google appears increasingly willing to tweak its software to run on arch rival Apple’s hardware, after acquiring a start-up tha…
Online payments provider PayPal has acquired US-based start-up, but insists’s software development kits for iOS and Androi…
Start-ups need to “recognise the tradeoffs” with regard to acqui-hires, according to tech start-up expert Mick Liubinskas, after Faceboo…
How the mighty have fallen. Digg, the social news site that was once the hottest company in tech and scouted by Google for more than $US200 …
Australian-founded mobile solutions provider 5th Finger has been acquired by customer relationship management firm Merkle, five years after …
Community sporting network SportingPulse, which is now majority-owned by News Limited, has acquired content management system BellvueIT. …
APN News & Media has continued its start-up investment spree by taking a sizeable stake in MyTeamDeals, a group buying platform for spor…
If someone knocked on your door with an offer for your business later today, what would you tell them? The answer is simple. You would…
US-based start-up Yammer will join the Microsoft Office Division after being acquired for $1.2 billion by the tech giant, highlighting Micro…
Independent brewery Little Creatures, which was started only 12 years ago by three beer enthusiasts who dreamt of creating the perfect ale, …
Sydney-based transport and logistics website Only Logistics is up for sale, despite only launching in 2010, in an offer that includes all in…
Google appears more determined than ever to boost the profile of Google+, after acquiring Silicon Valley start-up Meebo, which the search gi…