Panic (in a smart way)

This article first appeared on February 28th, 2012.


In every start-up business there are a series of hurdles that look insurmountable.


It might be when leads dry up.


It might be a deal that falls over at the last minute.


It might be an unexpected cost blowout that has you scrambling.


It might be a sudden cashflow crisis that bleeds you dry.


In moments like this, the smart entrepreneur will consider their options and do the only thing they can – panic.


By panic, I don’t mean run around screaming “The sky is falling, the sky is falling” and tearing your clothes off.


By panic, I mean take immediate and decisive action.


Ring every contact you’ve got and ask for help or at least advice. Take the decision to cut a major cost. Go and ask your bank manager or family members for a short-term loan to get through the next few weeks. Draft in some friends and hit the phones, hunting for sales.


Whatever you do, don’t spend days pondering the problem and working yourself into a state. Take action and create some energy and momentum in your business.


Make something happen.


Get it done – today!