Buy some colourful clothing

TaskmasterThis article first appeared on July 22, 2011.


A few nights ago my partner came home and told me about how a group of customers came to her office for a big sales meeting.


A series of representatives from her company went into deliver presentations to the group. At the end of the day, there was a general discussion about the presentations. Did the customers like what they had heard? Did they have any further questions?


Apparently most of the questions had to do with one presenter. When asked why everyone was talking about this one presenter, the group of customers pointed to his tie, which was hot pink.


The tie was so striking that it made the presentation memorable for everyone in attendance.


It’s a simple if not superficial lesson.


Just as companies and brands must strive to be memorable, a colourful tie or jacket or scarf can be a great way to make you stand out personally.


So if you want to be the one whose remembered in presentations or sticks in the minds of people at a networking event, style up and add a dash of colour to your look.


Every little bit helps!


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