A Melbourne startup offering “world-first” eye-tracking technology is one of 10 Australian companies to share in $8.5 million worth of g…

A Melbourne startup offering “world-first” eye-tracking technology is one of 10 Australian companies to share in $8.5 million worth of g…
Uber and Airbnb came under significant scrutiny at yesterday’s Senate inquiry into corporate tax minimisation but there is actually …
The uncertainty and ongoing legal cloud surrounding GST is leading “masses” of Australian Uber drivers to quit the service, a former dri…
As the rate at which large companies are replaced increases, firms like KPMG who count such businesses amongst their clients, are increasing…
It’s taken six years but the federal government has finally passed the employee share scheme reform legislation. The startup industry h…
Antony Ting, University of Sydney In late May, Amazon announced it had started to pay tax on its sales in the UK rather than in Luxembourg. …
Uber has slashed prices for its UberX service by 10% in Sydney, Brisbane and the Gold Coast in a bid to grow its user base prior to drivers …
Digital technology is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Australian economy but the number of graduates with STEM skills is not keepi…
Any reforms to the Australian taxation system need to place entrepreneurship and innovation front and centre, according to the peak body for…
One of the critical provisions in anti-avoidance measures aimed at multinational companies announced in last week’s federal budget will be…
Australian health tech company Global Kinetics Corporation has raised $1.5 million on equity crowdfunding platform OurCrowd to kick-start it…
Making yourself attractive to investors and “managing the cash burn” is the key to scaling and eventually listing on the stock exchange,…