There’s one thing I hate more than procrastinators and that is late payers. You’ve done the work or sold the goods, you’ve se…

There’s one thing I hate more than procrastinators and that is late payers. You’ve done the work or sold the goods, you’ve se…
Australian businesses are expecting a strong Christmas trading period, sparking hopes of a sustained period of economic growth. The D…
A hike in interest rates could have a “serious impact” on small retailers ahead of the Christmas trading period, an industry body has wa…
I know, I know. It only seems like a few months since the last financial year ended, and you’ll be very happy if you never have to talk to…
There is no such thing as a good tax. Winston Churchill …
Start-ups’ prospects of securing credit appears to be gradually improving, with a new report predicting there will be “strengthening” …
The National Tax and Accountants Association has hit back at a financial planning body that dismissed its attempt to gain a bigger foothold …
A new association is set to help small firms frustrated by regulations that prevent them from getting comprehensive financial advice from ac…
In the wake of a much anticipated election result and minority Labour government coming into power, small business is left wondering where a…
The strength of the Australian dollar may trigger a rush on board shorts, oversized cameras and garishly-coloured shirts, but the situation …
Australian consumers are struggling under an increasing mountain of debt, despite improving economic conditions, new research has found. …
The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin. …