The people who say “sorry I’m late…”

taskmasterIt seems like it’s the law of the universe that some things are inevitable, no matter how much Old Taskmaster wishes otherwise. Death, taxes and John Farnham comeback concerts are just three examples.


So is the inevitability that Hollywood will remake your favourite TV show while entirely missing the one thing that made the original worth watching. But, perhaps worst of all, there are the people who put things off to the last minute.


When it comes to special offers, you would think they set a reminder on their Outlook calendar for the due date, because within 48 hours after any due date or expiry date, you inevitably get a rush of people who left it too late.


Morally, I’m inclined to say these people should miss out. After all, why should they waste my time with their disorganisation? Well tough bikkies! No discount for them! Kids these days, they should be more organised! Now get off my lawn!


However, these tardy souls do have money.


Thankfully, since these stragglers are as inevitable as a “re-imagined” All in the Family with a politically correct Archie Bunker, Taskmaster Enterprises has come up with a contingency plan.


We had a 25% off widgets promotion that ended on Tuesday. However, on all the copy and advertising, we listed the expiry date as being on Friday of last week.


Sure enough, first thing Monday morning, the staff at Taskmaster Towers received a number of panicked phone calls from people who were practically begging us for a second chance to buy their cut-price widget.


Fortunately, “just this once”, the kind-hearted customer service staff at Taskmaster Enterprises gave them the discount. “Just try to remember to get it in on time next time,” they said.


Are you planning a special offer? I suggest you do the same!


Get it done – earlier today!