Conversing with customers online is very different from talking or negotiating in a store. On the internet, users appreciate honesty, speed …

Conversing with customers online is very different from talking or negotiating in a store. On the internet, users appreciate honesty, speed …
Twitter and Facebook are two very powerful but very different social media platforms. To get the most out of them, you need to be sure you�…
Start-ups need to think about what exactly they want to achieve through social media. Do you want to talk with customers? Perhaps you�…
Smart SME owners will always guard against paying unnecessary tax, triggered by deemed dividends and excess super contributions. Begin…
Valuing a business is extremely difficult, whether it is your own or someone else’s. Like beauty, value is often in the eye of the beholde…
Due diligence is the term given to the process whereby the potential buyer of a business investigates the company’s performance and valuat…
There are number of ways to find a business to buy. Some are obvious, but a few are more subtle. Here are the main strategies: …
Financial planners have reported that the halving of the contribution caps on concessional super contributions is driving many investors int…
There are hundreds of business grants available across Australia’s federal, state and territory governments, and while the process of gettin…
There’s one certainty in a growth business – it’s going to consume all the cash you can get your hands on! The obvious solu…
Acquiring or merging with another business is one of the best ways to dramatically increase the size and scale of your company. But it’s n…
Growth requires capital to invest in people, property, plant, equipment, systems and other resources. Getting this capital is not easy, part…