Check on the security of your customer data

TaskmasterWe’ve heard a lot about data breaches in recent weeks. There was the massive problem at Sony, a big breach at cosmetics website Lush and a breach at US email marketing company Epsilon, which affected thousands of businesses around the world.


But it’s not just big businesses. The Australian head of security firm Symantec revealed that his credit card details had been leaked by a restaurant of all places.


If these stories haven’t already made you check how your data is managed and kept secure, then they should have.


Data security breaches can lead to costly compensation bills and trigger investigations by the privacy regulator, but perhaps the biggest cost to your business will be the damage a breach does to your reputation.


Can I tell you exactly what you need to check up on? Of course not, I am an entrepreneur, not an IT guy.


But please make sure that data security has been considered and that your customers’ data has been properly protected.


Get it done – today!