The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is urging caution after revelations that thousands of small business owners are being lur…
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is urging caution after revelations that thousands of small business owners are being lur…
Back in the days of the ancient Romans, when being a Taskmaster had a very different connotation, bartering goods and services was a key par…
Laws that place personal liability on company directors are hampering business decision making and could even be depriving start-ups of lead…
A push by the Australian Council of Trade Unions to transfer casual workers to permanent employment could hinder start-ups’ ability to emp…
There is an old saying that entrepreneurs should take the time to work on their business, not in it. Easy to say, but very hard to do, espec…
I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying. …
Google has again been identified by the public as the leading place to work, with the option of self-employment lagging behind in third posi…
More often there’s a compromise between ethics and expediency. …
I had what I thought was a red-hot sales lead, so I took the prospective client out for a coffee. Unfortunately, I haven’t landed the sale a…
How do you pick an entrepreneur’s desk? It’s the one you can’t see under all the papers, documents, coffee cups and screwed up busines…
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. …
The head of a leading recruitment group says start-ups should take advantage of the post-GFC climate as employees start to shop around for n…