Retirement village for gay community

Linton EstateAustralia’s first gay and lesbian retirement village is being built on Geelong’s doorstep at Ballan, indicating there is demand for residential estates for same-sex couples.


Developer Peter Dickson says he has received 226 expressions of interest from people across the world including Turkey, England and the United States, as well as Victoria and interstate.


According to Dickson, there has been a fair bit of interest from people in Daylesford, which has a sizeable gay and lesbian population.


The $30 million, 120-unit complex for over-55s is being built on the Ballan-Geelong Road, and it will include an indoor spa, bar and croquet lawn.


Dickson says work is expected to start on the Linton Estate retirement village next year. The village will be built in five stages.


Given that gay and lesbian “areas” are still a fairly foreign concept in Australia, perhaps there are opportunities for entrepreneurs with a passion for property to tap into the idea.