Mummy Tummy for dads

Mummy TummyResearchers have created a vest for men, which they claim replicates the feeling of pregnancy, in a bid to give men some insight into what women go through.


The Mummy Tummy jacket mimics the effect of nine months of weight gain around the stomach and the breasts. It even copies the sensation of the child kicking, which can be calmed by soothing the belly.


During tests in a Japanese laboratory, the Mummy Tummy was tested by women who have experienced pregnancy.


About 80% of the women tested said it was a fair representation of what it feels like to be heavily pregnant. The vests are intended to encourage men to have more sympathy for their partners.


While this product may seem a little out-there, it points to a trend of fathers wanting more of a hands-on role during their partners’ pregnancies. What other ideas could you come up with to help share the experience?