Hotel guests offered social media “butler”

start-up-idea-waiterA hotel in Washington is celebrating its 50th anniversary and the 2013 presidential inauguration by offering guests a $47,000 luxury package, which includes a “social media butler”.


The Madison Hotel, located in the heart of downtown DC, is offering the Inaugural Town and Country package, described as a “one of a kind experience”.


The package includes a social media butler to “chronicle your Inaugural experience so your friends and family can follow your adventures on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest”.


“The social media butler will post on all of your accounts so you don’t have to fumble for your phone to catch that perfect Facebook profile picture,” the hotel said in a press release.


Are other businesses likely to follow suit and employ their own social media butlers? The idea could appeal to tourism operators and wedding planners looking to create a point of difference.


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